SESI FILM HAM/ Human Rghts Focussed

After The Truth / Roland Suso Richter / 135 menit/ Color / Jerman
Peter Rohm seorang pengacara, mendapatkan kasus untuk menangani kasus Dr. Joseph Mengela, dokter di jaman NAZI, yang diajukan ke pengadilan dengan tuduhan telah membunuh ratusan orang yang tak bersalah dalam praktek kedokterannya. Ia kemudian dihadapkan pada pengadilan HAM. Bersama pengacaranya, ia berjuang untuk dapat lepas dari tuntutan pengadilan. Berhasilkah ia ?

Peter Rohm, a lawyer, has a case to handle the controversial man, Dr. Joseph Mengele, a doctor in Nazi and one of the most wanted Nazi war criminals. He killed hundreds people in Nazi war. With his lawyer, he struggle to release himself in the court.

Film Festival : Brussles IFF ( 2000 ) Berlin International Film Festival ( 2001 )

The Tunnel/ Roland Suso Richter / 100 menit / Color / Jerman
Kisah ini merupakan kisah nyata yang terjadi pada tahun 1940 dimana tembok Berlin ketika itu sedang dibangun. Harry Melchior (mantan atlet renang) Jerman Timur, berniat ingin melarikan diri ke Jerman Barat. Maka, ia menyusun rencana bersama kawan-kawannya dengan membangun terowongan yang melintasi perbatasan tembok Berlin.

Construction is just starting on the Berlin Wall to prevent East Berliners from fleeing into the democratic West. Harry Melchior, the East German swimming champion, also wants to escape the communist oppression but is unwilling to leave his beloved sister Lotte behind. Harry finally agrees to Lotte's impassioned pleas to save himself, but makes a determined promise that he will come back and save her.
Uniting with his best friend Matthis, an engineer, Harry comes up with a daring plan to dig a tunnel under the Wall. Matthis and his two activist friends Vic and Fred laugh the idea off as foolhardy, but Harry's single-minded intensity quickly wins them over to his plan.
The group starts digging. The 145-meter tunnel into the freedom of the West will take a nerve-racking nine months to complete. This is based on a true story.

Roland Suso Richter (1961, Marburg, Germany) attended the New York Actor's Studio as a guest student in 1982 and took a Director's course at H&B Studios. His first independently financed feature-length film, Kolp, was invited to the Cannes Film festival. After his second film, Richter devoted himself to television, winning prizes and high acclaim for his movies. The Tunnel won the People's Choice Award at the Montreal World Film Festival 2001, the Bavarian TV Award for Best Actor (H.Ferch) and Director, and the German Camera Award for Editing.

Films - 1983: Kolp; 1986: Nur Frauen, kein Leben; 1990: Alles paletti (TV); 1992: Frohes Fest, Lucie (TV); 1994: Alles ausser Mord (TV); Samstags, wenn krieg ist (TV); 1995: Risiko Null - Der Tod steht auf dem Speiselplan (TV); 1996: Buddies - Leben auf der Überholspur (TV); 1996: 14 Tage lebenslänglich; 1997: Die Bubi-Scholz Story (TV); 1997: Sara Amerika; 1998: Nichts als die Wahrheit; 1999: Eine Hand voll Grass; 2000: Der Tunnel

Last Resort / Aner Preminger / 95 menit / Color / Israel
Sekumpulan pemuda Israel pasca perang Palestina bertemu kembali dalam suatu reuni. Mereka mengenang masa pahit waktu perang di perbatasan meletup. Perjanjian gencatan senjata yang ditandatangani oleh Ariel Sharon dan Yaser Arafat membuahkan suatu kehidupan baru bagi mereka. Ini merupakan penggalan kisah yang dialami para veteran perang Israel. Sebuah sisi lain dari perseteruan Yahudi dan Palestina.

A psychologically gripping feature from renowned Israeli director Aner Preminger. The year is 1993. As the Oslo agreement is being signed in Washington, Noam Wax gathers six former members of the Nahal Settlement-the Israeli Army's communal living experiment-on Mount Hazon in the lower Galilee. His purpose is to complete a documentary film about the settlement that will help him overcome the trauma and scars left over from those days. Their night together turns into a moral stocktaking that reflects the road Israel traveled in the decade between the Lebanon war and the Oslo agreement

Daressalam / Isaa Serge Coelho / 180 menit / Color / Perancis
Koni dan Djimi, seorang pemberontak yang menolak untuk membayar pajak. Mereka membelot dangan melakukan pemberontakan. Rakyat miskin pun semakin tak berdaya. Korban berjatuhan, pemerintahan semakin bertindak anarkis. Cerita ini merupakan kehidupan nyata di negara Ethiopia di mana seluruh biaya kehidupan menjadi naik akibat kesewenangan penguasa.

Koni and Djimi, two friends of the infancy run away from thir village after a tax collect witch degenerates. They rejoin the masquis convinced thet they will be able to built adapted country for their people, who are victims of injustice. From armed struggle to those fighting ideas, a ditch sinks between them. To clear, they will have to acknowledge that the more often we die from our own remedies then throught our own sickness.

Gripsholm / Xavier Koller / 102 menit / Color / Jerman
Kurt, seorang jurnalis dan pengarang berterima kasih karena kepada risque chanson lyrics, karena telah menyelamatkan jiwanya dari pernag. Bersama dengan Lydia, kekasihnya dia pergi ke istana Gripsholm menghabiskan liburan disana, namun selama liburan dirinya diteror oleh tentara Jerman karena dianggap telah memfitnah dengan mengelurakan berita yang berjudl All Soldiers Are Murderers. Bagaimana kisah selanjutnya ?

Kurt is a pugnacious publisher and ironic author and, thanks to his risqué chanson lyrics, a celebrated star of many a revue. In a seemingly endless summer he travels to the castle of Gripsholm together with his girlfriend Lydia. Two of their friends, the seductive vaudeville singer Billie and the passionate flyboy Karlchen join the lovers in Sweden for a while to spend their vacation - thus causing further erotic turbulences.
Even during his vacation Kurt is pursued by legal action initiated by the army of the German Reich. In one of his articles he had made the statement that "all soldiers are murderers" - a statement that is still highly controversial. Kurt sees the brownshirts looming on the horizon and decides not to return to Germany.
Tucholsky once wrote: "You often think that love is stronger than time, but time is always stronger than love." This is what the four summer guests Kurt, Lydia, Karlchen, and Billie have to admit to themselves at the end of their sensual and boisterous, melancholic and bitter journey to the North.
It is the summer of 1932, and soon nothing will ever be the same again in Europe

Behind Closed Eyes / Duco Tellegen / 98 menit / Documenter / USA

Ini merupakan film yang mengupas tentang pendaritaan pasca perang yang dialami anak-anak di 4 negara yaitu : Kamboja, Kosovo, Rwanda, Liberia. Ketiga anak -anak di masing negara menderita tekanan batin yang luar biasa sebagai dampak dari perang yang berkepanjangan. Dalam film ini akan diperlihatkan secara nyata tentang kesedihan dan harapan-harapan untuk tetap hidup meski mereka harus memulainya dengan melupakan semua dendam yang ada.

When traumatised chidren close their eyes, frightful images can reappear in thir minds. How do they manage to live like this ? This film shows how four children with war experiences learn to build a future despite thir past. They are blessed with an impressive suvival instinct. Behind Close Eyes is about that will power to carry on with their lives. Although scarred by the war's inflictions, they make new friend and return to thir homes.

Films : Who Need Us ( 1997 ), Woat Et Aule Es ( 1999 ), Behind Close Eyes ( 2001 )

Unfinished Symphony / 59 menit / Beth Steinheimer / BW / Jerman
Film yang berkisah tentang kekejaman perang NAZIdi jaman Revolusi yang menyisakan beberapa persoalan yang belum tuntas. Kesejahteraan, jaminan keamanan, pendidikan dsb. Film ini dibuat di jaman HAM belum begitu dihargai di Amerika. Tingkat inflasi yang melonjak, mengakibatkan sebagain warganya tidak dapat lagi bertahan untuk hidup.

Film about revolution era which had a big unfinished problem. This film made in the beginning of revolution where human right did'n appaeal as hot issues. Many people can't stand during this era.

Designed by : Hasto Suprayogo (Noodle Design 2002)
Ater The Truth
The Tunnel
Last Resort
Behind Closed Eyes
Unfinished Sympony