SESI FILM LATIN/ Focussed On Latin Film

Pachito Rex / Fabian Hopman / 86 menit/ Color / Mexico

Fransisco Ruiz, calon presiden yang juga seorang penyanyi di Amerika Klatin dibunuh. Polisi berusaha mengungkapkan kasus ini, Selama 5 tahun kasus ini dipetieskan. Lalu bagaimana kisah selanjutnya?

It is the future. Controversial singer, Francisco Ruiz, seems a shoe-in for president. But there are some who would give their lives to stop that from happening.
Pachito Rex, It's Not Over Until It's Over is the sum of numerous stories that revolve around the assassination attempt of Francisco Ruiz, a man who maintains his status as the much beloved candidate, destined to win the presidential election of a small, imaginary Latin-American country. The legends of the suspected assassin, of the policeman assigned to investigate the disappearance of a body, and of an architect contracted to design a mausoleum as an homage become entwined and twisted, offering a vision about idols, democracy, and the repercussions of such ostentatious events on everyday life.
Pachito Rex is part of an investigation project developed by the Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica, which explores the possible relation between dramaturgy, interactivity, and the application of new technologies. Filled with evocative imagery and inventive digital effects, Fabián Hofman's film is both engaging and absurd

To And Fro / Jorge Aguilera / 92 menit/ Color / Mexico
Kisah tentang seorang pemuda Meksiko bernama Filiberto, yang kembali ke kampung halamannya namun kehadirannya di sana justru membuat persoalan baru bagi penduduk di sekitarnya.

Filiberto returns to his home town afterr working three years in the State. In his struggle to gain recognition he is vanquished by ambition. He must deal with rejection, betrayal and displacement and somehow recuperte his identity.

Seres Humanos / Jorge Aguilera / 80 menit/ Color / Mexico
Dalia meninggal di usia 6 tahun, ayahnya ibunya dan saudara laki-lakinya menemukan cara untuk mengobati luka, 8 tahun kemudian ia teringat kembali dan setiap orang harus menjadi bagian dari penderitaannya dimana mereka meninggalkan sesuatu yang tertunda. Dalam kisah ini pula banyak sekali satir-satir tentang dunia televisi yang sudah meinggalkan norma masyarakat.

Jorge Aguilera was born in Mexico City. He studied film at the CCC. Seres Humanos is his Opera Prima.Human beings undertake long journeys in which they frequently expose their lives; as they return to the place of origin, they have only begun to grow

Designed by : Hasto Suprayogo (Noodle Design 2002)
Pachito Rex
To And Fro
Seres Humanos