SESI PANORAMA/ Panorama Films.

Wild Mussels / Erik de Bruyn/ 117 menit/ Color / Belanda
Sebuah film yang berkisah tentang persahabatan dengan latar belakang yang indah dari sebuah pulau yang tak berpenghuni di pesisir Barat Laut Belanda. Ketika Leen (Fedja van Huêt), Daan, dan Jacob berjuang untuk keluar dari kehidupan yang membosankan, mereka baru menyadari bahwa semakin terjerumus dalam dunia kecil kehidupan nelayan kerang. Untuk itu mereka mereka harus membayar mahal dari harga sebuah kebebasan.

Leen, Daan, and Jacob wants to free theirself from the bored life in the small town. They want to go to the big city and gain a job. But somehow, they face come trouble during their trip. They need money to go trip out of town. This film tells how freedom is much precious for human being in the small town.

Front Window / Aner Preminger / 100 menit / BW / Israel ( off screen )
Seorang pria yang akan menikah tiba-tiba terkunci dalam sebuah mobilnya selama beberapa jam. Didalam mobil tersebut dia berusaha untuk keluar dari kesulitan. Namun setelah beberapa kali usaha dia tetap saja tidak berhasil. Suatu ketika dia melihat bahwa dunia begitu nyata di hadapannya. Bahwa hidup baru akan dimulai setelah dia menikah.

This film tells about the man who prepares for married suddenly stuck in his car for hours. Inside the car, he sees the world from different view which so real. A new world of llife.

Paralel Worlds / Peter Vaclav / 98 menit / Color / Rep. Ceko
Sebuah kisah cinta antara Tereza dan Krystof menunjukkan sebuah perbedaan diantara umat manusia. Perbedaan itu hampir menyerupai batas tipis antara dunia imajinasi dan dunia kenyataan. 34 tahun lamnya Krystof menghabiskan waktu untuk berkerja. Bersama dengan Michael, dia membangun studio arsitektur. Kejenuhan menghinggapi dirinya dan dia memutuskan unutk cuti sementara waktu bersama dengan pacarnya Tereza. Krystof tetap menjalin dengan pacar gelapnya Renata. Hubungan pun makin sulit karena Tereza sudah mencintainya hingga mati. Bagaimana kisah mereka ?

A love story about Tereza and Kryštof shows the differences and contradictions of the inner world of every human being, as well as how we all feel borders between dreams and reality in different ways.
Thirty-four-year-old Kryštof spends most of his time at work. Together with Michal, he owns a prosperous architect studio. In spite of this, he is growing tired of conventional work with clients, who lack good taste. He makes plans to go away for some time just with his girlfriend Tereza so they will just have time for each other. At the same time he still secretly meets his lover Renata, although she is not as emotional as Tereza. Tereza depends on Kryštof's love, and suffers when she realises that he does not care for her. She is afraid he does not love her as she is. He loves her the way he would like her to be. Although they are both the most important people for each other, with moments of total harmony, it seems that their relationship is beginning to fall apart.
Petr Václav (1967, Prague) graduated from the Department of Documentary Creation at FAMU in Prague in 1995. In 1989 he was a research worker on a short-term contract with FEMIS in Paris. He draws attention to himself with his school films. His first feature film was the excellent Marian, which won the Silver Leopard Award at the IFF Locarno 1996, and also the Jury prize for the Best Director at the IFF Forum 1997 in Bratislava.

Films - 1993: Paní Le Murie (dok./doc.); 1996: Marian; 2001: Paralelní svty

White Cherries / Leopold Lummestorfer/ 85 menit / Color / Austria
Rudi, seorang polisi di Departemen Imigrasi jatuh cinta kepada Alena, seorang pelayan bar. Alena adalah seoran imigran gelap yang bekeja menyalahi paspor. Diluar sepengetahuan Rudi, ternyata Alena memiliki seoarang anak bernama, Joseph. Kisah asmara mereka pun di ujung tanduk. Otto, kakak sepupunya Rudi menahan Alena dengan tuduhan telah menyalahi aturan paspor dengan membawa anaknya. Bagaimana hubungan mereka selanjutnya?

Rudi, a police man in Imigran Departement falls in love with Alena, a working bar. Alena is unillegall imigrant who work in Austria and she has a boy, Joseph. Otto, Rudi's cousin had to put Alena in jail because of this matter.

The Cave / Tim Krabbe / 100 menit/ Color / Belanda
Dua pemuda, Egon dan Axel, bertemu dalam sebuah perkemahan lapangan di goa-goa Belgia. Mekipun sikap Axel cenderung tidak bermoral, tapi Egon tetap berhubungan dengannya. Egon sering mengunjungi Axel di asrama mahasiswa di kampusnya di kota Amsterdam. Ternyata Axel kemudian menjadi pengedar narkoba. Egon mengetahu kegiatan Axel dari suatu tabloid bernama Weekend. Dalam benak Egon, Axel selalu ada dalam dirinya maupun masa lalu istrinya. Selanjutnya perkawinan Egon gagal dan dia berusaha mencari Marjoke yang dulu pernah ditaksirnya ketika diadakan perkemahan dulu. Saat mereka bertemu tiba-tiba keduanya dibunuh oleh orang-orang tak dikenal dari gembong narkoba musuh dari Axel.

The story of Egon and Axel, who are best friend since child. Axel was immoral but Egon still make contact to Axel. Egon still visit him when he in the boarding in Amsterdam. But then Axel, become a drug's dealer. Egon know his activity form the Weekend news. This also tells of the divorced married of Egon. The earth begin to tremble when a group of unknown people try to kill Alex.

Get Away / Noah Nuer / 88 menit / Color / France
Suatu ketika Didier menabrak Anne yang sedang mengendarai sepeda di sebuah lorong jalan di Paris. Tenpa sengaja pertemuan keduanya membawanya kepada kehidupan percintaan dan kisah Didier. Anne, gagal dalam ujian dan Didier frustasi akibat tidak ada orang yang mau membantu ibunya untuk pindah apartemen. Permasalahan menjadi kian kompleks manakala kedua pihak enggan untuk terbuka akan masalah ini.

Didier is a disaffected young man with no apparent direction and a tenuous relationship with his uptight sister, Claire. After a bad encounter with his absent father, Didier nearly runs his van into Anne, a student upset about failing her exams and at odds with her strict parents. The two spend a day venting about their family problems and helping each other mend relationships with their parents. Anne and Didier, however, must stop trying to get away from life and begin finding ways back into it.
Get a Way is an amusing and uplifting film with real-life implications. In our society where broken homes and dysfunctional parent-child relationships are the rule rather than the exception, Get a Way offers a ray of hope for those of us yearning to mend relationships that have soured over the years

Designed by : Hasto Suprayogo (Noodle Design 2002)
Wild Mussels
Front Window
Pararel Worlds
White Cherries
The Cave
Get Away