SESI FILM PENDEK/ Shorts Section.

Kamar 56 / Indonesia / 20 menit/ KBBF
Kisah tentang seorang laki-laki yang taku memasuki kamar no. 56 di sebuah hotel
The story of guy which freak to enter the room 56

Kelolodhen/ Indonesia / 20 menit / KBBF
Seorang anak yang kelolodhen (tersedak) biji durian hingga pingsan
A boy dying because of durian fruit.

Hidup Di luar Kelucuan Yang Nyata / 35 menit/ KBBF
Kegelisahan hidup seorang tokoh yang melanda kesehariannya hingga mengatarkan kepada gerbang kematian.

Chaperone / Victor Buhler / 20 menit / USA
Film pendek ini berkisah tentang seorang Chaperone adalah seorang janda tua yang sudah lama tidak berpacaran. Suatu ketika, ketika putrinya hendak berkencan, dia ( Dorrie ) memaksanya untuk menemaninya dengan alasan ia masih telalu muda untuk berpacaran. Tanpa sengaja, kekasih anaknya tersebut justru mencintai ibunya.

Audit / Brian To / 27 menit /USA
Film pendek ini berkisah tentang investigasi audit keuangan yang IRS. Pemeriksaan tersebut berlangsung hingga berjam-jam tanpa hasil yang jelas.

Fenterturz (Falling For Art) / Lancelot Van Naso / 15 menit / Jerman
Seorang pelukis yang melukis obyek manusia dengan cara terjun bebas dari sebuah apartmen.

A painter who fall from his apartement to paint human falling.

Peter Rabbit And The Crucifix/ 13 menit / Antony Dominici / USA
Seorang anak kecil yang kesal dan menendang seekor kelinci hingga tewas.
A boy who killed rabbit in the meadow

Madame Jacques Croissant / Emanuel Finkiel / 38 menit / Perancis
Film ini mengisahkan tentang sekumpulan jompo keturunan Yahudi - Perancis bertemu di negara bagian Eropa Timur. Mereka mentradisikan pertemuan itu setiap musim semi tiba, sebagai wujud silaturahmi di negara Israel.

Every Spring, a group of elderly, Yiddish speaking French Jews gather in Cannes to reminisce. Breaking away from the group and its monotonous rhythm, widower Maurice pursues Madame Jacques. Overcoming their differences and the gossip of their friends, Maurice and Madame Jacques come together. This is the first film from Emmanuel Finkiel, director of Voyages

Mean People Suck / 8 menit/ Mathew Cole Weiss / USA
Sekumpulan pemuda-pemuda kulit putih yang brengsek yang hidup dalam kebebasan seksual.

Short Romantic Film / USA- Jerman- Belanda
Berturut-turut film ini merupakan kompilasi dari film-film pendek yang telah malang melintang di berbagai festival di dunia. Ada 3 judul di dalamnya yaitu Angela, Gas Station, Powers. Kesemuanya menceritakan tentang kehidupan percintaan yang romantis dengan bumbu komedi.

Manhattan- as it is every day of the week, year in, year out. Life is pretty routine for Bob, about to turn 70, yet aching for one last fling. Maybe his shrink is right: he should place an ad in the paper and just go out and look for someone. Someone like Angela. Because: This is New York.... Anything can happen... The sky's the limit...
Kollek's main topic - life, love and longing in the Big Apple - is omnipresent in his film work.
"My style has changed over the years", responded Amos Kollek to a query about his considerable talents. "What else can I say? You'll just have to see for yourself."

Amos Kollek (1947, Jerusalem, Israel) - novelist, screenwriter, actor, documentary filmmaker, director, producer. Kollek received a BA in Psychology and Philosophy from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 1971. He published five novels. His international breakthrough came with Sue (1997). Starring Anna Thomson, it won the FIPRESCI Award at the 1998 Berlinale. Kollek and Thomson made another two films together: Fiona (1999) - screened at the IFF Bratislava, 2000 - and Fast Food, Fast Women (2000).

Films - 1979: Worlds Apart (len scenár, herec/only writer, actor); 1985: Goodbye, New York; 1987: Forever, Lulu; 1989: High Stakes; 1992: Double Edge;1994: Whore 2 (Bad Girls); 1996: Teddy Kollek, From Vienna to Jerusalem (dok./doc.); 1997: Sue; 1998: Fiona; 2000: Fast Food, Fast Women; Angela (kr./sh.).

Peter has a dream job. He's a popular magician in a posh Prague night-club, whose act draws more applause than the strippers. He's got an eye-catching assistant who is ready and willing to soothe his frayed nerves whenever necessary. But he's also got Sylvia hanging around his neck: a pert, scatterbrained sister who forgets that a roll in the hay may just be worth a wedding ring. Things take a turn for the better (or worse?) when he discovers he possesses extra, one might say, supernatural powers that enable him to see into the future, hear music by rubbing his finger over a CD, and God knows what else.
So, what's the problem? Unfortunately, Peter can't control anything anymore the way he used to. This includes his magic act, his love life, and his sister's latest erotic fantasy.

Petr Zelenka (1967) - he studied script-writing at the Prague Film School FAMU from 1984-1991. During his studies he collaborated, as director, on documentary films. Between June 1990 and March 1991, he worked as script editor at the Barrandov Studios, whilst at the same time working for BBC-London on the programme "Czech-mate." In addition to script-writing and directing, he also translates texts from English (e.g. Michael Frayne's plays). At present, he is finishing the film Year of the Devil.

Films - 1993: Visací zámek 1982-2007 (TV), 1995: GENUS - Miroslav Plzák (TV), 1996: Mága - Happy End, 1997: Jak se žije komparsistm podle Petra Zelenky (dok./doc.); Knoflíkái; 2000: Samotái - len /only sc.; Powers - stredometr./middle length.

They Come To Pick Me Up / Ilana Navaro/ 20 menit / Perancis
Julia di umurnya yang ke 60 bersiap-siap untuk meninggalkan kotanya Istambul ke tempat familinya dan cucunya, Aviva, Tel Aviv. Aviva, 8 tahun menghabiskan musim panasnya bersama neneknya di Istambul. Dia pula yang menjadi saksi atas kepergian ibunya dari Istambul. Suatu ketika, untuk menumpahkan perasaannya, dia berinisitaif untuk melukis. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk melupakan masa lalunya. Suatu ketika tanpa disengaja, Aviva membuat lubang kecil dalam lukisannya yang kemudian menjadi sebuah inspirasi hidup bagi Julia.

In director Ilana Navaro's sun-drenched short film, Julia is preparing to leave her beloved city of Istambul to join her family in Tel Aviv. As she sorts through the odds and ends of years gone by, she discovers an old oil painting that's been divided into pieces of which she has one part. Unable to abandon her past, she embarks on a last minute search that soon uncovers more than just a missing artifact.

Bar Mitzvah / Gabriel Litchman / 15 menit / Israel
Mengisahkan tentang kaum Yahudi Ortodox di Israel yang tidak diperbolehkan untuk bersembahyang oleh kaum militan setempat.

Designed by : Hasto Suprayogo (Noodle Design 2002)